Semester Score X.4 and X.7

June 16, 2011

1 Afriansyah 30
2 Amilia Wardani 50
3 Arinda Kharima 49
4 Bertha Fitriani 56
5 Derryl Trijaya 85
6 Dilan Septa Purnama 46
7 Dwi ajeng Pratiwi 50
8 Eminniar 34
9 Fathur Rahman 71
10 Felsiani Nincha Putri 37
11 Indah Permata Sari 55
12 Kemas Wahyu Saputra 75
13 Khairunnisa 50
14 Lia Permata Sari 27
15 Meisi 69
16 Nanda Trifitria 55
17 Nini Angraini 41
18 Olga Faractica Arnal 52
19 Rian Putra Pratama 45
20 Rima Mariska 40
21 Robby Valentino Amma. 66
22 Selpi wulandari 43
23 Supriatin 47
24 Triana Nasir 61
25 Yuli yanti 39
26 Zakiah Lisaadah 58
27 Siti Rara Ayu 45


1 Aprilensiani 60
2 Arif Miswanto 43
3 Atika Rahmawati 38
4 Dame Hartini 61
5 Dian Anggraini 41
6 Dian Firdaus 52
7 Dinna Andika 41
8 Elida Febriana 39
9 Erina Fastaria 40
10 Frisca Triana 38
11 Hendri 65
12 Hurairoh Rhomodon 68
13 Ita Puspita Dewi 45
14 Kiki indah Pertiwi 62
15 Lusia Anggraini 37
16 Megi Caprico 72
17 Meytika Dwi Putri 42
18 Nganda Nianda B 68
19 Nita Dwi Wahyuni 34
20 Rafis Eko Setiawan 72
21 Revita Sari 36
22 Riski Santoso 39
23 Romyani 39
24 Siti Hadiyati R 63
25 Tari Melinda 33
26 Welinda Febriati 61
27 Yuni Haryani 58
28 Desy Elsa 25
29 M. Robby Cahyadi 19
30 Dian Permata Sari 7

If Your score is below Sixty, You will get remedy.

Answer the Questions Below through My Inbox in Facebook
1.Give comments to the following situation using “ surprise expression!
a.Your boyfriend stops smoking
b.Your mother can reduce her over weight in a month.
2. Make a congratulation card as creative as possible!

3.Change these sentence into indirect speech !
a.He said : “ I want to sleep now
He told me ...............................
b.Mrs Rini said : “ don’t be nosy, children !
Mrs. Rini told the children ...........

4.Put the verbs in brackets in the passive voice according to the tenses
a.The letter ( write ) by Tono ( simple past )
b.A story ( tell ) by my grandmother ( simple present )
c.The houses ( repair ) by them. ( Present Continuous tense .

5. Make a short dialogue by using “ Congratulation Expression “ !

Your answers may not be more than this evening at 7 O'clock!
Good luck