My Essay

June 13, 2009
Dedy Respianto

I was like coral that dashed by the waves in each its surfeit. Tiredness wasn’t appeared in my marrow every time, I was always patient for waiting waves which would be bored. Although, sometimes, the feeling closed me for a while. I always tried to lose it from my heart.
“Sir, I don’t pass in the police test,” Ardes weakly said to me. I replied the regret statement, ’Why didn’t you pass in the exam?.” He answered, ”I didn’t pass caused of my English, Sir.
“It’s ok, isn’t it?, you could try in the other time because you had two chances again and your age had been eighteen years old. As far as I’m concerned, limit of joining the police test is max 21 years old.’
“Yes, sir,” he’s calm in front of me.
I touched his shoulder, ’Don’t ever give up. I tried to make him strong and having a nice hope.” Ardes’s my student graduated in year 2005-2006 at one of a school in Prabumulih.
“Brother, I am not accepted in Makmur Hotel because I couldn’t answer questions that given to me in English when I interviewed, whereas my GPA is 3.31. It’s not fair,” She grumbled.
I didn’t blame her, I only answered, “There’re still many other hotels, tomorrow you try to apply again,’
Though, what’s in my heart contradicted with my saying. The hotel’s right, maybe English has become criterion for being received working there.
At 07.45, I usually sat on administration division in a course in my city, where I worked for earning money as additional income for me. Suddenly, a man came to me and said, ‘Good evening..’ I answered efficiently, ‘evening, sir, please sit down, what can I do for you?.’ ‘ I want to study in abroad to get higher position in my company, its requirement, I have to be able to master in English. If I can’t, I will be lost a good chance.’ Actually, this man has worked in a foreign company for five years. As usual I gave him a brochure and its cost per package.
Now I teach at Senior High School 2 Prabumulih. All the teachers here joined in learning group. It’s called ‘Speaking Club’. They do it every Tuesday and Thursday. The teachers are teachers who teach English subject in this school, included me. The reason of doing that caused of headmaster’s demand firstly. It’s caused our school will be International Standard School, the teachers should have ability in English, they will applied the subject in English.
Daily newspaper of all publishing companies that I read, the news offered, there’s nothing special, only expressing in paper is different. In part of job application, all newspapers applied criterion ‘able to speak English’ as one of requirements. Phenomenon of English is very great. Many people around me looking for job through newspaper. They always grumbled,’ ah, I can’t speak English, if I try to apply forcedly , I’m sure I can’t be received.
A drip to drip of water fallen in their checks while suddenly graduation announcement comes. Because while graduation envelope opened, they’re silent. Their faces were deathly pale. Three subjects that examined in National Examination (UN) were Indonesian, mathematics, and English, only English score’s not suitable with graduation standard score. It’s so hurt. Percentage of graduation’s more caused of English. I considered, it means that it’s unsuccessful teaching of my friends and I. However, I thought over, this thing had been happened and I couldn’t change it, though actually I felt greatly disappointed.
This lighted morning, Making me sure that there’s no one would share to me. But, one of my students came to me and said that she got a certain way entering ‘UPI’ but I had to follow ‘TOEFL.’
A surfeited coral tried to arouse of buried, I touched hearing and seeing, there’re so many people’s clashes in around me caused of English. That’s slice of events which I experienced as a teacher. Then, I thought, ‘How’s so great English influenced?’. It can’t make man’s ambition failed. Truly, what’s English?.
English is a language having a equality with other languages in this world, it’s communication tool. This language appeared in Britannia island more than 1,500 years ago. It comes from dialects of Anglo Frisian.
This language experienced significant changes and developed strongly in all life aspects, social, culture, and education. All countries all over the world communicated using English. It caused by English that ‘s fast to spray, easily comprehended language structure, and it’s been existed.

How’s great this language till used by all countries in this world as international language. If we colonized by England, maybe English’s not problem with us as Malaysia. But ah!, it’s just my thought and absolutely it’s not right. No a country wants to be colonized by another country in this world though its consequence, all generation can speak a international language.
I’m only generation who has dream and optimism, one day it’ll be come true. I want all generations can speak English well and one of its way is there’s a strongly political will to make English can be used in daily of education caused it’s impossible mastery English without practiced every day. It’s approved, although we studied more than six years by using changeable curriculum continuously, the result’s the same. Here, I thought government only tried to recover education but it’s not wholly, it’s not touched problem basis. Although, government has tried by relating to Australia since 1989 to make Improving Language Program in Indonesia.
Government, don’t worry will be disappeared Indonesian Language. Absolutely, global pressures resulted of modernization influenced all life aspects and it appeared awareness to save a life. It appeared to save country life included language life. Slow but sure English faced and made afraid will lose Indonesia language existence . But it’s to be considered that all forms or the thins in this world surely experienced changes, it’s dynamic. Language will be experienced a extinction. So, don’t be afraid that thing, but it must be looked from its positive side. I wrote this, Not! I haven’t been my nationalism and I am not worshiper west country. But I only want all generations who I loved will not get difficulties as I explained previously. I can give a guarantee to government if English becomes a second language, not a foreign language, Indonesian Language will not be disappeared. It’s been approved with Malaysian and Singapore. They don’t think English as a threat for Melayu Language. However, it’s as a tool for making its country easy in relating to other countries. Now Melayu language in there, not lost. Because, human given by Allah SWT an ability to master more than one language in this earth.
I want to break the system in this country, but who am I?, I‘m just a teacher who doesn’t have big power to change a thought that has been mechanized and probably it’s mistake. However, I hope and have million optimism stood in my chest, one day, what’s dreamt, will be come true through my best students.
READ MORE - My Essay


June 02, 2009
The writer wants the world knowing language in Prabumulih. But the writer’ll make step by step. Because the writer’s sure it ‘ll need more time. In other words, learning by doing cause the writer’s not Original person here, but the writer’s wife comes from Prabumulih, she will help the writer.
· Adeng = younger brother or sister
· Ajung = Order
· Aku = I
· Alau = run
· Ao = yes
· Ape = what
· Awak = body

· Balek = go home
· Bapang = father
· Begawi = work
· Beguyor = slowly
· Behadu = stop
· Behape = how much or many
· Behat = heavy
· Belagak = handsome
· Benei = take care of
· Berawat = speak
· Besak = big
· Betega = meet
· Beusek = play
· Bibik = aunt
· Bile = when
· Bini = wife
· Bungok = fat
· Cahek = broken

. Cakai = look for
· Cucok = stab
· Cuka = try

.Dapoh = kitchen
· Dekde = no
· Dengah = listen
· Dengan = you
· Duahe = door
· Dudok = sit

. Due = two
· Duet = money
· Endoung = mother
· Enjok = give
· Gahout = scratch
· Gehet = stiff, painful
· Gumbak = hair

· Idong = nose
· Ilok = good, nice

· Jahi = finger
· Jendile = window

· Ka’I = next, later
· Kakang = older brother or sister
· Kele/kinak = see, look
· Keleman = dark
· Kemeh = urinate
· Kemibang = go, walk
· Kersi = chair
· Keteng = foot
· Kite = we
· Kucek, kubak = remove peel or shells
· Kuhous = thin
· Kumes = moustache
· Kupeng = ear
· Kuyak = broken

· Laki = husband
· Langgok = arrogant
· Lio bahi = saliva
· Lupe = forget

· Majo = eat too much
· Mamang = uncle
· Masok = enter
· Mate = eye
· Mija = table
· Miseng = make a shot/defecate

· Ngape = why
· Nguce = speak without stop
· Ninek = grand mother
· Niyo = coconut

· Pekawanan = family
· Pengetet = stingy
· Petang = afternoon
· Pinggan,pireng = plate
· Puntung = fire wood

· Ribang = like, love
· Ringkeh = beautiful, nice
· Risau = Robber

· Sare = suffer
· Sedeh = sad
· Sediket = little
· Seisok = Tomorrow
· Siape = who
· Sumang = miss, long for

· Tanak = cook rice
· Tebok = pierced
· Tegelisour = split
· Tehebang = fly
· Tehenang = remember
· Tetawe = laugh
· Tidou = sleep
· Titek = fall
· Tudong = cover
· Tulah = continuously
· Tunu = burn

· Uhang = person
· Untapan = wish

· Wadah = house, equipment for put a thing like vegetable, coconut, etc.

Scouts in SHS 2 Prabumulih

Scouts, everyone knows about it. It’s one of extracurricular in the school. In Smanda Prabumulih, the students always practise every Saturday. It’s necessity in this school ‘caused it’s obliged activity should be followed for the tenth class.
There are many activities that done by students in Scouts. They usually do camping, hiking. That’s interesting. While camping, the students can look the other views, they have to know habits of the society in that place. In hiking, the students have to pass the river, forest. They will look kinds of plants, there so green. Sometimes, the students pass people are taking latex in ‘Rubber garden.’
For following Scouts, the students will get advantages, as follows;
· You’ll be taught ‘How to survive in some places, like forest, garden, mountainous, etc.
· Friendship will be gotten
· You’ll have strong togetherness feeling to human being
· You’ll be more brave
· You’ll be given ‘leadership’
· You’ll be taught how to respect to everyone.

Don’t waste your young age, Please do useful activities for your life in the future!.
READ MORE - Scouts in SHS 2 Prabumulih


June 01, 2009
My friends, my brothers, my best mates....
Hear this reflection for thought together this night, night's fully dark without a light thing
We try to lose this seeing by closing the eyes temporary or for a while.
Feel it, it's not nice, it's silent without sound, we ask in our heart and thought. How, if these eyes closed forever!.
Oh... We don't want, We're not able for his moment.
However in light of stars, we try to count,thousands, million of sin that we've done to my brothers, sisters, friends, best mayes, teachers, family and especially our parents.
Oh ........ the last persons, no calculate since We've made
We always tell a lie, while we say
We say 'No' while they wish
We always forget of their suggestions
We always obey of their saying
God, are we good men?
'Are we obeyed children?
Mom's always beide us
She doesn't want to move of us
though W're in dark in sinful
Mom's given a life to me with her breast
She's never bored doing it with full heart
Cruel, dark contemptible of us
Our god, this night, we surrender to you.
We expect, you want to apologize me, all my mistakes.
God gives us a chance
God gives us time
God gives us gift
Don't ever leave us in sin and darkness
READ MORE - Daydream