
June 01, 2009
My friends, my brothers, my best mates....
Hear this reflection for thought together this night, night's fully dark without a light thing
We try to lose this seeing by closing the eyes temporary or for a while.
Feel it, it's not nice, it's silent without sound, we ask in our heart and thought. How, if these eyes closed forever!.
Oh... We don't want, We're not able for his moment.
However in light of stars, we try to count,thousands, million of sin that we've done to my brothers, sisters, friends, best mayes, teachers, family and especially our parents.
Oh ........ the last persons, no calculate since We've made
We always tell a lie, while we say
We say 'No' while they wish
We always forget of their suggestions
We always obey of their saying
God, are we good men?
'Are we obeyed children?
Mom's always beide us
She doesn't want to move of us
though W're in dark in sinful
Mom's given a life to me with her breast
She's never bored doing it with full heart
Cruel, dark contemptible of us
Our god, this night, we surrender to you.
We expect, you want to apologize me, all my mistakes.
God gives us a chance
God gives us time
God gives us gift
Don't ever leave us in sin and darkness


  1. Anonymous said...

    I love the patience of the pather ,so
    I am just praying that smart children.

    by:yuhida mahwata


    June 5, 2009 at 5:25 PM