Scouts in SHS 2 Prabumulih

June 02, 2009

Scouts, everyone knows about it. It’s one of extracurricular in the school. In Smanda Prabumulih, the students always practise every Saturday. It’s necessity in this school ‘caused it’s obliged activity should be followed for the tenth class.
There are many activities that done by students in Scouts. They usually do camping, hiking. That’s interesting. While camping, the students can look the other views, they have to know habits of the society in that place. In hiking, the students have to pass the river, forest. They will look kinds of plants, there so green. Sometimes, the students pass people are taking latex in ‘Rubber garden.’
For following Scouts, the students will get advantages, as follows;
· You’ll be taught ‘How to survive in some places, like forest, garden, mountainous, etc.
· Friendship will be gotten
· You’ll have strong togetherness feeling to human being
· You’ll be more brave
· You’ll be given ‘leadership’
· You’ll be taught how to respect to everyone.

Don’t waste your young age, Please do useful activities for your life in the future!.