Teaching Program Basic Outline

August 17, 2010
The First Meeting - The Fifth Meeting
Specific Instructional Purpose:
To be able to explain grammar and use in dialog and composition
Verb Tense
1.The Simple tense
2.The Progressive Tense
3.The Perfect tense
4.The Perfect Progressive
Functions of Structure
1.Verb Pattern
2.Adverb, adjective
3.Expressions of Quantity
Vocabulary (all are in Health Terms)
2.Word that go together
3.Multi word verb
* Medically Speaking English for Medical Profession (Dr. Barnison IG)
* English in Medicine a Course’s Communication skills (Qlending Eric H and Beverly As)
* Understanding and Using English 2nd Edition(Betty S Azar), The anti Grammar-Grammar Book (N Hall and Shepheard S)

The Sixth Meeting - The Eight Meeting
Purpose:To be able to read English text related health and midwife effectively
Reading Comprehension
1.Skimming text to obtain the gist
2.Scanning text to locate
* Effective Reading Cambridge Up (M Susan and Greenal S),
* English for Spesific purpose Medicine (S Hasibuan)

The Ninth Meeting
Mid Test

The Tenth Meeting - The Eleventh Meeting
Purpose: To be able to write sentence correctly based on the condition or situation
Writing skill (all are in Health terms)
1.Write correct an appropriate sentences
2.Report writing
3.Letter writing

The Twelfth Meeting - Fifteenth Meeting
Purpose:To be able to listen conversation/speech
Listening Skill
1.Listening for specific information
2.Obtaining gist of what is being said
3.Following directions
4.Following instructions
5.Recognition as functions of structure

The Sixteenth Meeting - The Seventeenth Meeting
Purpose:To be able to communicate in English in each activity
Speaking and Conversation Skill (all in Health terms)
1.Intonation patterns
2.Question and answer
3.Practice conversation and speech

The Last Meeting
Semester Examination